Emo - Punk - Goth - Screamo

Emo - Punk - Goth - Screamo

01 Mei 2009 jam 22:02
Emo-originally it was a great music genre that lasted in the 80's and the 90's. This is the real form of the emo genre. This form of the emo genre came from the punk genre. From 2000-present, emo music pretty much became watered down by the mainstream. All of these new "emo" bands you see on tv these days are not real emo. There is no such thing as an emo person. At all. There are only fake emos, you know the kids that cut, cry, wear tight clothes, cover their face with their hair, etc. Emo kids are nothing but sad conformists. If you are emo, you are not unique. At all. Therefore, it is impossible to be an emo/punk or an emo/goth.

Goth- Came from the punk, new wave, no wave, and post-punk genres. Goth has very close similarities to punk. It is more than possible to be a goth/punk and is more than acceptable. Pioneers in goth music are: Siouxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, and Bauhaus. Goths find the beauty in darkness because seeing too much of the light can blind you. (think of conservative christians and how hyppocritical they really are-too much of the light will blind you). Goths enjoy are, literature, film, victorian fashion, mythology, and tend to be very religious. There are many types of goth and many elements of the goth subculture. Goths tend to be pacifist.

Punk- started in the 70's. Credit for the punk movement is given to The Ramones, but credit to the genre goes to Iggy and the Stooges and other protopunk bands. Punk emphasizes the DIY ethic and anti-consumerism (as does goth) and is all about staying true to yourself no matter what, and standing up to others that get in your way. It's all about being independent. Punks can be violent, but there is a large number of pacifist punks as well. You can be any religion you want to be punk, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You can believe is any form of government. Most punks tend to be anarchists (peaceful or violent) and socialists. It is possible to be a conservative punk, like Johnny Ramone. There are many types of punks that believe in different stuff and many elements of the punk subculture.

Emo stands for Emotive Hardcore. Originally it referred to dark post-hardcore and slowcore groups ranging from Pinback to Fugazi, and its fans were a mixture of typical hardcore with more of a depressed slacker feel. Nowadays, it refers to poser crap like Fall out Boy or Tokio Hotel, and its rabid teenybopper cult wears short, asymmetrical black hair, facial piercings, and tight metrosexual pants. They mostly just lurk around the bargain bin at Hot Topic.

Punk is a philosophy and aesthetic founded in the 70s focusing on far-leftist activism, confrontational attitude, and a back-to-basics, patched-together feel. Though some punks are conservative, they're more military brats and libertarians then your Rush Limbaughs and Dick Chenies. Punk music is focused on a DIY simplicity, fuzzy distortion, and rough-hewn vocals that combined garage rock with political activism, shock tactics, and quick, thumping rhythms. Indivuality is valued highly, with items such as unusual hairstyles, bondage pants, faux-leather, political buttons, and cheap guitars covered in decals being the "norm". More downbeat, experimental punk groups like Sonic Youth & Joy Division are known as post-punk.

Goth is a counterculture themed around classic horror, Victorian culture, industry, dark romance, fantasy, and an introspective, melancholy elegance. Gothic music ranges from dissonant, metallic onslaughts to sullen electronica to morbidly theatrical cabaret to world inflected, darkly sensual sounds. The religion of goths range from Wicca to Catholicism, and despite their interest in the existential and dark, or perhaps because of it, they are nonviolent and often vegetarian or vegan. For the aesthetic, it varies, but usually lace, dark red, whimsically creepy stuff, leather, catholic jewelry, pagan or occasionally demonic jewelry, veils, cloaks, and lots of black and pale makeup.

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Short for Emotive-Hardcore. From the 1980's DC punk scene. Some major bands are Rites of Spring, Dag Nasty, and Moss Icon. This genre died in the 90's In 2002 popular magazines started using this label for band like Saves the Day, The Get Up Kids, Weezer, and Dashboard Confessional. By 2005 it was a whole entire sub-culture of angsty teens who knew nothing of real Emo. It majorly came into the mainstream in 2006 and has since stayed there. Emo bands are actually pop-punk and the kids dress like scene kids and mallgoths.

There are many different types of Goths. There are those that are inspired by 18th century Romanticism. They dress in Romantic-esque clothes and read Goth lit. Others are Goth-rockers that like 80's Goth (that came from Punk). Some Goths don't dress in black, but just have a love for the unusual. These types are usually philosophical and intellectual. Then there's mallgoths of today that are really angsty and many wear black as a big F you to their parents and society. They usually buy out Hot Topic and think Marilyn Manson is Goth.

Around 2004 this look began to get popular. The first major strain was on Xanga and it was called Electrikk. The next major strain came in 2005 and moved over to MySpace. These kids have mad confidence.

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Punk- anarchist type attitude, they don't care for the quality of there music just the statement and apparel.

Goth- after Punk started to die off in the late 70's, the sound of punk was less angry, more laid back. Listen too the band "Joy Division" They're one of the starters of Goth. The "Goth sound" wasn't accompanied by dark clothing until the band Bauhaus came around. It was kind of a mix between glam rock and punk. Their dark lyrics of death and old horror favorites played a part."

Emo- Emo'z are those teenagers that listened to Backstreet boys, until they became lame. Then they switched over too pop/punk'ish type crap. Stupid emo kids with their crappy music..

As for being religious, doesn't really matter, Punks are anarchists, Goth's are nihilistic, and emo's are a mix. So it depends how strict your religion is.


AND THAT'S HOW I think :
From the older to the later .


SCREAMO and EMO are the famous in these days,and Emo didn't die yet I mean EMO and SCREAMO still between teenagers and Scene didn't take the place of Emo .

Finlay I think al of them is good and you will fit in what is suitable for you.

<Photo 2>

"!!!ABOUT EMO!!!"

oleh Abenk IzeKillmzstreet MakebeRezpecthor pada 25 Juni 2010 jam 0:20
Tentang EMO...
Sering sekali saya mendengar tentang kumpulan anak EMO, entah di lingkungan pergaulan informal ataupun formal. Tidak sedikit teman-teman saya memberi penilain terhadap dirinya sebagai anak EMO yg biasa dikenal dengan sebutan emo-kid. Kala itu yang ada dipikiran saya, emo-kid hanyalah kumpulan berambut miring yang identik dengan ghotic. Setelah melakukan beberapa pengamatan pada mereka, emo-kid jauh lebih menarik dengan karakteristik merekayang bisa dikatakan unik.

Apa itu EMO ?
Emo itu sebuah fashion, aliran musik, dan komunitas. Emo sendiri diambil dari kata Emotional, biasanya musik-musik genre emo ini kebanyakan dibumbui dengan vokalyang screaming, dan lyric yang meluapkan perasaan secara emotional, tapi tidak sampai marah-marah hingga pada tindakan brutal. Emotional disini memang karena marah, namun marah secara emosi karena terlalu sayang, cinta atau suka terhadap suatu hal.
Emo memiliki gaya berpakaian yang disebut Fad. Hal itu mencangkup pada jeans ketat yang dikenakan baik oleh pria ataupun wanita, poni rambut yang panjang dan disisir ke satu sisi wajah dan menutupi salah satu atau malah kedua mata. Memiliki potongan rambut yang lurus, mengenakan kaos ketat (biasanya berlengan pendek) bertuliskan nama-nama band emo, ikat pinggang berkepala besar, sepatu kanvas atau sepatu hitamyang sering kali nampak tua dan lusuh, dilengkapi dengan kaca mata berbingkai hitam tebal.
Kehidupan emo juga dihubungkan dengan emosional, sensitif, pemalu, tertutup, atau cepat tersinggung. Hingga dititik klimaksnya, emo juga dikatakan penuh dengan depresi, suka melukai diri sendiri, dan bunuh diri. Pada dasarnya, emo berawal dari salah satu tren musikyang akhirnya berkembang menjadi suatu gaya berpakaian dan cara bergaul. Seperti juga gaya hidup lainnya, ada sisi negatif dan ada sisi positif di dalamnya. Tak semua penganut aliran emo bersifat emosional dan suka menyakiti diri sendiri.

Emo-kid dimata kami (objek yang mengikuti aliran ini)?
Emo merupakan suatu aliran musik baru yang lebih menunjukan emosi jiwa. Emo juga bisa disamakan dengan aliran musik hardcore. Biasanya emo identik dengan musik-musik yang penuh cinta, dendam dan kematian. Selain itu, emo memiliki karakteristik fasion yang lebih menonjol. Hal itu memumgkinkan fasion seorang emo-kid dijadikan panutan (trend-center)
Karakteristik emo-kid yang kami jalani?
Peircing digunakan pada telinga, bandul telinga, hidung,pelipis,alis,lidah,bibir dan ada yang menggunkan disemua bagian itu.
Mengenakan Converse (sepatu kets produksi USA), Vans
Kaos distro, blazer, kemeja dan bawahanya mengenakan jeans staprest, hipster
Drugs dan Alkohol
Merokok, Alkoholik namun tidak menggunakan drugs
Tidak memiliki Kendaraan yang spesefik
Rambut dan Make up
Menggenakan highlight dan biasanya berwarna merah, poni miring kesamping, menutupi mata. Sedangkan untuk bagian wajah mereka menggunakan eyeshadow atau eyeliner.
Memakai tattoo tetapi minimalis

1 komentar:

  1. SIIIPPPPPP....!!!!!

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